No, not the delicious concoction of Guinness and Harp, the combinations worn consistently by some PGA Tour stars. I don't think I'm crazy when I say that black and khaki doesn't look all that great together. There's something I really don't like about it. I think it's because someone who truly knows colors would always pair differently. There are so many colors that pair better with khaki than black and vice versa. Now, I want to specify I'm talking about true khaki, not light like bone or somewhere in between.
It really reached fever pitch for me at Bay Hill...I don't want to be tough on Sean O' Hair, because he seems like a hell of a guy, but dude, you're 6' 2'', 160 and wearing pleated khaki pants! (With a black shirt) It's an abomination. I don't mean to switch topics so quickly, but a guy with Sean's build should be wearing nothing but flat fronts. I will say his pants are a great width, nice and slim, but those damn pleats, i couldn't stop looking at them. He looked like a kid who stole his dad's slacks.
Okay, back to black and khaki - even my man Ryuji Imada was an offender this week. He paired some tan and white fine-checked trousers with a black polo and white belt. I mean it's Ryuji and the guy has style, but I still wasn't digging it. And Jason Gore made the black and khaki pairing on not one, but two days - in two different shades.
I know some people will read this and think I'm a bit off tilt here, but I just can't condone black and khaki. It feels so late 90's to me when we had no clue out there. I know someone will probably come along with a look I might approve of and I'll have to eat my shoe, but until then, please...for my sake...If you're going to wear khaki colored trousers it has to be shades of blue, green, pink etc. on top. (Example: Gore in the mock-neck post below gets it right colorwise with the navy and sand combination) And Black polos deserve honestly anything other than khaki on the bottoms. Black gives you so many options to pair colorful pieces with it. Use it. Okay, soap box officially kicked over...you can go on with your day.
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