We at the KC have never been huge into red. We like it on others, but rarely on ourselves. Something about the finality of true red. We much prefer a pink, a fuschia even - red is so definite. So fire engine/sports car red is out. But this... this we can handle. For lack of a better term (come to think of it, what could be better?) we're going to call this gorgeous color "Azalea" - as both Geoff and Camilo at times blended right in with the Masters' official flowering shrub. This color is so full of punch - it's bright, its flattering, it certainly isn't boring old red. In the middle of this post, we went to the Puma online store to try to find Geoff's shirt and there it was. And you'll never believe what Puma is calling it....yes....Azalea. We swear we didn't peek. Cross our green jacket and hope to die. Azalea it is. And with a shirt like that, you don't need much else to pop. We like how both Geoff and Camilo paired a very light pant with it - although we give a slight edge to Ogilvy's black accessories over Camilo's whites paired with a red belt. We think it gives the look more balance, but that's just little old us. If you need a nice new shirt for Spring, "Azalea" is calling your name...
1 comment:
KC - Cheers on the blog, have no idea why it's taken me so long to stumble upon it. With my obsessive keeping up with the JL, Sligo, SubSeventy, IPD, Q'aja, William Hunt, and Puma lines you would have thought I would have found it before now.
Have to disagree with you on Geoff's black accessories vs. Camillo's white though. For one Geoff needs to change hats... I'm all for golf superstitions, but wearing the same model black hat to every golf tournament for what seems like four years is a bit much. For my money it's hard to beat white on the course!
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