I absolutely love this combination of yellow belt and denim colored pinstripe pant. As I was posting this, I realized this was the first time a lady had graced the pages of the KC, so congratulations are in order for Ali Miyazato. Rarely do I see something that I like this much, I just think the tones are perfect for one another and the light belt brings out the pant/short detail beautifully.
This is the second time in a week I've made a mental note of yellowish/orange belts, in the Style section of the NY Times there was a cool web belt this color paired with a dark suit I believe. I was also at Lindeberg the other day and saw a trouser almost exactly this color. Is my sartorial instinct trying to tell me something? I don't know, but I like it...
dude, you need to put more chicks on here.
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