(Photos the property of the Associated Press)
What better way to show off a few nice pairs o' slacks than with backdrops like these...The balls they are a flyin' at Turnberry - the KC's eyes are smilin.' Top to bottom: Azuma Yano, Ryo Ishikawa and Henrik Stenson. Yano and Stenson's cut of trousers, for my taste, are absolutely perfect. In Scotland they call 'em breeks. "Thas one hulluva pair a' breeks ya goot thurr Henrik." Would a Scottish guy say "helluva?" We have no idea. We do clothes, brother, not brogues...Unless you're talkin' footwear and we're not...
These are some fantastic photos; click on the compressed version to get the real deal.
What's a pictorial Ode without Garfield. In fact, I didn't even spot Ode.
Ishikawa's shirt is always too big for the cut of his pants. And half the time his monochromatic colors clash. I like some of the individual items but what's up with that?
I'd chalk those attributes up to youth FP.
KC- have you seen these pants on Ryo. Kinda cool, not sure really.
Looks like something Lindeberg would have put on Charles Howell in 2002. I'm not into the snaps, but I don't have a problem with Ryo in them. He's a bold soul.
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