Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Throwback

As the crusaders of modern golf apparel, Johan Lindeberg and the boys have always tried to stay one step ahead of the rest. When they did the color thing back in 2003-2006, companies trying to get a piece of the market flooded it with neons and they've since retreated to more subdued designs. I do miss seeing Jesper and Camilo (and in those days Badds and Chucky Howell) wear the turquoises and electric blues before we started seeing them everywhere. The Lachlan polo Camilo wears above is one of my favorite JL shirts of all time. Going back to the last post with Luke, when you pair a bold color with black it jumps and it creates this fantastic effect. For an off-the-course example, notice the way Kanye West will pair a black outfit or black trousers with a brightly colored Paul Smith belt. Same effect. It's something I've never tried, but have always wanted to. Guess it's kind of too late. But hey, when everyone starts making boring sh*t to stay current, I can count on JL to whip something up that'll get my blood-boiling again. Viva la golf style.
2 great golf shirts for different reasons

Luke has been wearing alot of black on tour so far this year, this lavender stripe on black from Thursday is such a great combination - it really produces a rich and powerful shirt, almost regal.
It must be hotter than Hades in Bali right now - as you can see from Magnus Carlsson (right) sweating it out - but Anton Haig's shirt caught my eye for the detailing. (Not to mention the faint pinstripe on the trousers, I really like his whole look) The polo looks alot like Phil's red shirt from last week - kind of that utility polo vibe that is kind of a nice way to switch things up. I've never been opposed to throwing a chest pocket (even two, a la JL's Brantley Fieldsensor) on a golf shirt - it makes things a little more exciting.
Just a few thoughts...stay tuned for the Friday throwback.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
WGC Updates

Many of the KC's favorite sons are performing well in the desert. In the sartorial heavyweight match of the day, Camilo gave Jimenez (bottom) a pounding 5 and 4. Luke took 19 holes to take down Vijay and Poulter advanced past Schwartzel. Great young guns match tomorrow of Ogilvy and Camilo; while Donald draws the "Big Easy." Will a little dose of style be the difference in these matches? We shall see. The World Golf Championships, further evidence (as if you needed any) of the mantra we here at the KC live by: "When you look good, you feel good, you play good..." Not proper English, but who needs it, I say? Worry less about grammar and more about your short game...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Who's Ready?

I know this is a golf style blog, but sometimes I just can't help but get really, really psyched for just plain old golf...I've had a thought over and over this week that with the commencement of today's Accenture Match Play Championship, professional golf as a whole is really at the height of its run towards perfection. You know when you just get that feeling? I can't shake it this week: Tiger's back, Phil is fresh off a win. We have tremendously talented young players at the height of their games: Rory McIlroy, AK, Camilo, Luke, Badds, Geoff, Hunter. An amazing group of Euro players: Paddy, Sergio, Poulter, Rose, GMac, Karlsson, Stenson. International stalwarts Ernie, Veej, Trevor, Appleby and Goosen. Its just perfect enough to feel totally comfortable sitting back and enjoying our game at its peak.
Damn it feels good to be a golfer.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Banded Sleeves

(All photos courtesy of AP/John Lazar/Reed Saxon)
I don't think of banded sleeves when I think of a golf shirt, but lots of guys on tour wear shirts that have them. (see Luke and Rafael above) I wear Lacoste polos away from the course in the summer, but everytime I put one on for golf, it always feels wrong. The sleeves stay so far up your bicep, it feels kinda foolish to me. (Might just be my bashfulness over my pasty white upper arms after a winter in New York) As my perception continues to evolve as to what a traditional "golf shirt" embodies, I think I may get more used to seeing those 'gun hugger' polos, but for now I still enjoy a bit of room a la Phil in the photo above. I'm really liking Phil's shirts. I love the hidden button down collar and the trimmer fit. What do you guys prefer? A fuller cut sleeve or a banded polo a la Lacoste or Polo Ralph Lauren? (Polo Golf has fuller sleeves, RLX often tapers/ bands their sleeves to fit closer to the bicep - that more modern look) One thing that's great about alot of the better golf apparel manufacturers is that they offer both. JL makes the Tour fit polos that Camilo wears with a banded sleeve, but also offers different cuts that showcase the slightly fuller sleeve. Something to think about as you choose your Spring golf wardrobe.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday Throwback

I love this shot. It's crazy to think this was 9 years ago now. I remember Jesper winning that Byron Nelson like it was yesterday. He still stuck out in a delightful way at that point. My favorite thing about this shot is the juxtiposition between Davis (who is the stalwart of classic American golf dress) and Jesper (who at the time was ruffling feathers with his too hot for TV JL gear) Great piece of golf history and an awesome testament to tastemakers who are truly ahead of the class. The skinny Swede with the pink pants in the heart of Texas. That'd make a good country song. Enjoy your weekend.
Heeere's Eldrick...

Phil, like the rest of us, is psyched(!) Tiger will be in the field at the Accenture Match Play next week after 9 months on the lam. The KC snuck around the locker room at Riviera and acquired a piece of the letter Phil sent early Wednesday to the fellow members of the Tour.
Dear Boys,
"If you're holding this letter, you already know. The Tiger has returned. The birdies, the fistpumps, everything.. We're at the Comfort Inn. Room 112. I love you. Phil."
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anthony: "Look KC, what's that up there??"
KC: "Easy AK, that's just GolfWRX on their high horse..."
GolfWRX, the hugely popular golf forum, which, prior to this incident, I was greatly enamoured with, has banned the KC for posting in a few chatrooms (ok maybe 20) about how people should come visit my blog (shameless self-promotion) and mentioning that if they had any golf style questions for Tony Q'aja they should come by and ask them. (Not selfish at all - in fact, quite damn nice of me...) Anyways, the evil dictators over there banned me from all chat rooms and ALL access. So I can't even get on the site or access my profile. Pretty rough I know. I wrote several emails asking to be re-instated, but I've gotten nothing in return but the oh-so-cold shoulder of disregard. If any KC readers would shoot an email to the administrators (and I use that term loosely and with a healthy dose of disdain) over at GolfWRX, I'd greatly appreciate it. Although at this point they probably won't let me back. That, ladies and gentleman, is why I am golf's bloggin' bad boy. Come and get me.
Spotlight on a Webstore: TrendyGolf.com

I've been a big fan of Trendy Golf for a while. For our money here at the KC, this English shop has the best stable of fashion forward golf brands under one cyber roof. The only problem is the fact its based across the pond, which means if you're ordering, you're doing so in GBP and paying alot more.
I was also just looking at their blog for the store and they called the Buick Invitational the trendiest golf tournament they've seen in recent memory. If I'm not mistaken, what did the KC just report the other day? I love these guys!
What the US needs is an outpost for style conscious golfers to be able to buy the newest stuff online when they need it. I know there are a few out there. There is fairwaystyles.com, which has a good idea and carries some decent brands, but they also have alot of crap. Give me every cool brand under one roof, a one stop shop for golf style. And have this shop plugged in with the best brands in the world so they are getting this stuff on time and ready to go. I think I just talked myself into opening a webstore. Launching 2010 - The Khaki Crusader online pro shop. Look for it.
Forgot this one...

In my last post with the new JL gear, I forgot this Zoan Paclite jacket, which is probably the most badass rain jacket I've ever seen for golf. Granted it doesn't have the cool accents that they've done in the past, (Like Camilo's a few posts back) but the design is phenomenal (Tons of pockets, military shoulder styling, high-zip neck, light button detailing) and can be worn on the course or off. Plus you'll make all your friends with their baggy short-sleeved rainshirts envy you. I think it runs about $250, which considering how long you'll have this thing isn't a bad deal. Comes in black or white.
What happened to Ryo?

(Photos courtesy of the Associated Press)
This isn't US Weekly, but doesn't it look like Ryo might have tossed on a few? Maybe it's bad lighting or something, but it looks like he's been camped out in a sleeping bag at Ben and Jerry's in Santa Monica waiting for the Northern Trust Open to start. Something tells me Augusta National is already hiding the pimento cheese. But seriously Ryo, this is all in good fun, say it with me now, "More Jesper, less Duffy...More Jesper, less Duffy..."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
New Lindeberg Spring 09

(All images courtesy of J.Lindeberg.com and the J. Lindeberg EU webstore)
When I woke up this morning I knew it must be Spring. The birdies were chirping, the smell of fresh cut grass wafted into my awaiting nostrils. No..not at all actually - There's two smells in New York, hot trash and cold trash. It was still cold trash this morning - not quite spring yet. But cyberspace was fooled, because as I jumped on the gmail, hiyoooo lookie there, New Spring apparel from J. Lindeberg, just for me. I know Johan is loyal to the EU and everything, but the fact that they still have shirts that are over a year old on the crappy US online store and then we get these brand spanking new sh*t on the Euro site...in Euros of course - it's just not fair. But it was still fun to browse and see what Lindeberg will be cranking out this spring for us. My first reaction was happiness to see the bright colors return after a somewhat muted mid season selection. There's some great light blues and bright reds etc. A navy Lachlan and usual black, white and natural tan offerings balance the equation out. However, as I browsed, I realized I'm really missing the Johan of old lately. The one who made neons come back in a big way. I know it's the way everything is trending, this stayed, sensible approach. But sometimes I just wish he'd make another spraypaint orange Slater belt, just because. It isn't nearly as fun watching these other guys try to emulate Johan with the neons and fail miserably. (cough, cough, Sligo....) Anyways, enjoy some of the offerings and let me know what you think, because let's face it, that comment selection isn't there for my health! You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? Drop me a line....
To all a good night,
Pebble Beat...

(All photos courtesy of AP/Jose Sanchez/Jeff Chiu)
After such a great sartorial week at the Buick, it must have been laundry day at Pebble - as all the pros looked pretty crappy. Maybe the weather played a factor and no one wanted to ruin the nice stuff. Pros were easily outshined by amateurs like JT, who looked sharp as always in his JL neutrals. Grays and blacks are HUGE on tour right now. If you haven't seen Luke Donald making it happen in grays and blacks at the Buick from last week, check out my post. And this week we've got 2 great examples of Vijay and Philly Mick doing their thing. If I had to pick a best pro look for the week it was Phil from above. I don't miss much and I'm willing to say that's a brand spankin' new snazzy white gator Phil is sporting. A first for Phil. It's great to see Phil in something besides black in the belt department. I like those big, fat House of Fleming belts Phil gets made, that thing must be 2 inches thick. Consult with your doctor (and your accountant $$) before making the move to one of those. Phil always does the gray and black thing, but that little extra switch to a bolder, brighter belt makes a huge difference in the overall look. I'd like to see Phil do something different with the shoes in the future - I know he's into the black exotic skins and I'm not asking him to take a page out of Charley Hoffman's book, but would it kill him to get something in a nice brown and white saddle? I tell you what Phil, you can get vicuna lining if you want to...I know how you roll. Mr. Subtle.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday Throwback

(Photo courtesy of Edwin Watts/Ron Watts Private Collection)
Since the KC will be taking a little hiatus tomorrow and through the weekend, I had to bring the Friday throwback out on Thursday, which actually sounds a whole hell of a lot better anyway. (I just fired my entire marketing team in a whirling blaze of glory) Anyways, I was checking out this really cool photo of Payne and I realize that it would be commonplace to see Poulter wearing this today - in fact we probably wouldn't even bat an eye. Poulter has that exact shade of blue in his new collection. Perhaps inspiration? Imagine Payne and Poulter in a Ryder Cup match; something we should all have the pleasure of experiencing, but won't. I was also amazed with this photo, because I don't remember Payne's clothing fitting him so damn well. I wish I was older so I could have watched Payne in his younger years. He could have easily looked like he moonlighted at Medieval Times, but he didn't because all this stuff fit him so precisely. He was very serious about his clothing and very interested in upholding the traditions of the game. It never hurts to have another guy like that around.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"Poults" is serious...

I haven't given Ian Poulter's clothing line, Ian Poulter Designs any airtime on the KC because I wasn't sure he was really serious about it. It seemed like a half a** way to get a few more pairs of tartan trousers in loud colors out on the links and little more. However, as you will rarely find, the KC is about to eat his words. "Poults," as his mates call him, is pretty damn serious when it comes to this line - and the Fall/Winter 2008 and Spring 2009 are hard evidence of that. Sure, there's the classic Poulter tartans in teal and purple that might get you laughed off the 1st tee, but there's some really great pieces here if you sift through to the basics. Union Jack vests, No, I'm fine with those thanks - but the cords, yes cords for golf, are a phenomenal choice. (The photo above features Poulter in a blue pair) He's also got some herringbone twill trousers for the Spring that are a really cool and different golf piece. Not to mention some nice shorts in basic colors and some great belts. However, the real star here is the v-neck "jumpers" - he's got (3) offerings with a solid front and a tartan back design that I really think are cool - Plus a bunch of solid offerings in great colors with accents and piping. The new "Tour" polos look very nice too. What I love about Poulter's line, besides the sheer size of the collection and its depth, is the fact that everything you'll see him wearing on tour will be available to purchase, usually right when you see him wearing it. (If you'll recall I made a mention of some of the clothing in a post back in December when I saw him wearing the blue cords in the Korean open - and sure enough they have them in (3) colors) available right on the website. (...On sale no less) Of course you're wondering if Ian is bringing the line to US stores and clearly this is in the works given his recent appearance at the PGA Show. He did a full fashion show for the line and an interview with Marty Hackel from Golf Digest. (pictured above) By the way, great pants Marty. "Mr. Style" was lookin sharp at the show.
-KC Endorsed
The anatomy of 4 rounds in unpredictable weather: Camilo Villegas

The weather at the Buick was crazy at times, but Camilo was prepared. See if you can get some packing tips from this run-down: Round 1: blue polo, white trouser, navy sweater, white shoe. Round 2: red polo, black trouser, black vest, black shoe (+ Rainwear.) Round 3: black polo, black trouser, white vest, white sweater, white shoe. Round 4: white polo, white trouser, white sweater, white shoe.
So Camilo had 4 polos (blue, red, black and white), 2 pairs of pants (black and white) 2 sweaters (navy and white) 2 vests (black and white) 2 pairs of shoes (black and white) and raingear. Plus coordinating belt straps. (If you want to play that game - I know I do.) You could obviously drop a polo or add another sweater if you're not a vest guy, but this is a decent guide for a 4 day trip to say, Scotland.
See the KC is no math major, but preparation + style = never having to worry about anything but your score. Don't forget your clubs dumba**.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tony Q: Q+A

The KC is very excited about a new question and answer forum coming soon! Tony "The Tailor" Q'aja, founding member of Q'aja Couture (http://www.qaja.uk.co/) will be answering your questions about golf/personal style, life on tour, professional style quirks etc. Look at those windowpane trousers he made for GMac above, the man clearly knows style. A little bit of history about Tony and Q'aja:
----"Q’aja Couture is combination of the prodigious talents of Tony Q’aja, AKA Tony the Tailor and Jamie Henfrey. Despite their youthful looks, between them they have accumulated almost fifty years of fashion, textile and tailoring experience, having started the long ascent to the top tailoring table in their late teens.A commitment to quality fabric and flamboyant designs coupled with individuality has given Q’aja deserved prominence in the world of bespoke tailoring. The Q’aja name and reputation really grew with demand from a host of clients from within the professional football world. Tony started working with the London club players at Arsenal and then Spurs, Crystal Palace, QPR, West Ham and Chelsea. Through the subsequent press reaction, Q’aja's unique look and designs became recognized and sought after by the wider public. From that initial group of London players Q’aja forged a growing client base that could easily be an international eleven — management included. Led by a choice between either Sir Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger the Q’aja All-Stars team sheet reads; Dudek, Ferdinand, Hypia, Edu, Veron, Tigana, Earle, Giggs, Campbell, Saha and Wright. Both footballers and television pundits alike are turning to Q’aja for advice on styling. In turn, they create a professional, stylish and individualistic image that has become synonymous with the Q’aja trademark — a tailored look that impresses equally in the club, boardroom or in front of the cameras.In 2002 Q’aja was approached to measure and supply suits to Puma for Team England at the Commonwealth Games and two years later they were the preferred choice as the bespoke partner to Ben Sherman for the procurement of formalwear to Team Great Britain for the Athens Olympic Games 2004. The diverse Q’aja client portfolio now includes Opera singers, Pop and Movie stars as well as an ever growing stable of the world’s finest golfers. Golf has become a sporting niche where Q’aja has not only been warmly received, but also where he has succeeded in bringing colour, cut and contemporary fashion onto the most traditional of links. No one epitomized this golf transformation more than PGA tour professional Darren Clarke. When he began to appear on the golf course clad in striking colours people instantly began to take notice, they also commented on how his physique appeared changed. Coming in an array of vibrant colours and choice of quality fabrics; cool wool or a cashmere/cotton blend the trousers are stylish and distinctive. But it’s the company’s reputation for for providing golfers with trousers that move in all the right places and give the style conscious golfer that little extra yardage when they reach the 19th hole which have led them to fit Darren, Lee Westwood, Thomas Bjorn, Graeme McDowell, Sam Torrance, Richard Green and many more.If you were assuming Q’aja to be a privilege of those adorned with either super heroic status or sporting genius then there is good news. With feet firmly planted on terra firma, you will equally find designs for those mere mortals amongst us. Business executives, professionals and the lucid smart man around town have all benefited from the style and cosmopolitanism that Q’aja design brings, and the extra confidence that only a truly personalized look can provide. Tony and Jamie readily admit that these customers are the backbone to their longevity. This is a reflection on both their personalities — unassuming, approachable and personable with a shared penchant for taking made to measure tailoring, and their clients, to the next level."
Please email your questions to us at: khaki.crusader@gmail.com
We will choose 3-5 questions for Tony to answer at the end of each month! Make them good!
Tiger Woods is good at making babies...

Tiger is a dad again. Charlie Axel Woods came into this world yesterday as one lucky SOB. Will Tiger be pissed if Sam Alexis turns out to be the golfer and Charlie turns out to be the model? That's the question on everyone's mind. We at the KC couldn't reach Tiger or Elin for comment. Now that Tiger has two kids, a truckload of majors and well on his way to 100 wins, I say the only thing left is to get the man some decent clothes. Doesn't Tiger hang with Federer? Didn't at one point Roger go, "Tiger you look like a fool out there in those pleats and gaucho belts buddy. And the whole red thing? That's oh so 1999. Haven't you heard it's monochrome....all the kiddies are doin it"
Monday, February 9, 2009
Pros are Loving the Lavender

New official color of the tour? Whether it comes in stripes, solids, knitwear, polos, accents - purple in all shades is here to stay in the wardrobe of the world's best golfers. All I can think of as I sit here being blasted with florescent light in my office is - it must be nice to be tan. I need to get out more, in purple of course...
Look of the Week: Luke Donald

One of the reasons I started this blog is because I was looking for a way to catalog the inspirations I got from watching stylish pros and hopefully incorporate different elements into my own on-course wardrobe. I'm very into clothing, but I was "giving up" when I went out to play golf - throwing on whatever I had lying around. Putting this blog together has made me realize that many elements of classic menswear that I love off the course are very wearable on the course as well. Take this shot of Luke from day 3 at the Buick. This look is based on three classic elements: the cardigan, the golf polo and the trousers. He could have gone in alot of directions with these elements, but while gaining creativity points for mixing patterns (black striped cardigan and gray glen-plaid pants) he also kept it very clean with the neutral palette. Luke is one of the crispest guys out there each and every week. Polo/RLX uses Luke, like JL does with Camilo, as a mannequin of sorts for new designs and because everything essentially looks good on these guys, it's a can't miss scenario. One of my favorite things about turning on the tournament every weekend is seeing what guys like Luke and Camilo are wearing.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Light and Dark

Thursday at the Buick brought cool temps to the Cali coast and the sweaters and pullovers came out in full force. One thing you'll notice about my three favorites from Day 1, Luke, Camilo and Aaron, is that they all chose a really dark colored sweater and very light shade of trouser. I like this look alot and I've been doing it in the winter here in New York. I think really light trousers off the course in the winter are a bold move, but if executed correctly, it can be a home run. On the course, you can't miss with a bone, off-white or even white pant with a black or navy sweater - its nautical in its classic-ness and never goes out of style.
Badds is currently duking it out with Charley Hoffman for who can have the longest lettuce on Tour after Camilo hit the barbershop.
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