Monday, December 8, 2008

Good to see Luke at the Nedbank

(AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Luke Donald is and has been a KC favorite since inception. He was sidelined much of last year with an injury and it was nice to see him tuning up his game in South Africa at the Nedbank. I'm excited to see what RLX gear Luke will be rocking this year on the PGA Tour. Welcome back.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Good look, Bad lie...

(AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)
Say what you will about Sergio, but I think it's impossible not to notice how well he chooses colors. If you watch his looks over a series of weeks, he always pairs apparel and accessories that link to one another. Like this shot. Hat, logo and belt all jump with the bright white, all tied together. Meanwhile the shirt is anchored to the pants with the gray detailing. His looks always "work," - Whether or not you like seeing golfers in head-to-toe yellow, now that's a different story.

More Ryo

(AP Photo)

Ryo Ishikawa at 17 years old has already won a million dollars on the Japanese Tour. With his knack for sartorial successes on the course and his "spider-man" stance on the greens, I don't think it's a stretch to assume he's paying close attention to a certain Columbian PGA Tour star and a favorite of this blog, Mr. Villegas. A US Invasion is surely in the cards soon. Can't wait.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Lindeberg Colors

J. Lindeberg recently released new polos for Late Winter/Spring '09 - these were some of the new colors I liked.
(All photos courtesy of - they actually have quite a good selection of JL gear)

'You aint cool unless you're wearing red in China'

(Ng Han Guan/AP Photo)
(Ng Han Guan/AP Photo)

Ryuji and Ian (no surprise) aren't shy when it comes to wearing China's official color. Check out Ryuji's pants - they're a tech trouser and he's left the flap undone on the pocket - but they don't look rediculous like some do. I don't mind them.

Monday, December 1, 2008

All Access

(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

The world's best continued the action this past week at the Omega Mission Hills World Cup - a great team event that's been going on now for over 50 years (Formerly the World Cup of Golf.) Only 1 month until Hawaii and the Mercedes!
From top to bottom I've pictured Robert Karlsson - one half of the Swedish team that won the event -(Henrik Stenson was the other half) - team France and team Spain. France and Spain were looking the sharpest out there and it really reiterated for me how much I've been enjoying watching these early season European tour and Asian tour events. It's given me access to a bunch of players that haven't really been on my radar before and I've really enjoyed and taken alot away from the styles I've seen of, most notably, the Spanish, French and Swedish players. It makes me wish there were more successful Italian players out there - who knows what new elements of style they'd bring to the course. Anyways, it's been very enjoyable to watch and it will make me continue watching throughout the year even after the PGA Tour starts up.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Subtle successes

(AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

First thing I liked here was the belt. It's the perfect shade of brown. So rich. I want one. Then I realized that shade of green goes ideally with everything else, its kind of heathered and doesnt jump. I don't normally like brown golf shoes (which is odd, because I only wear brown dress shoes), but if he wore saddle shoes with white in there, the look wouldn't be nearly as successful. I'm not trying to overcomplicate his look - its really as basic as you get. But this photo caught my eye because of the belt and then I noticed other details I liked as I went.


Monday, November 24, 2008

The sub-20 set

(AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
(AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

17 year-old Ryo Ishikawa and 19 year-old Rory McIlroy are great examples of how to dress a slender frame. I particularly like Ryo's look above - it's one of my favorite shots of the year. The cut of everything- the pants, the jacket-is perfect. The pants look like they could be tracksuit fabric. There's enough polyester on the course today to make the Bee Gee's envious.
Ryo finished 2nd in the Dunlop Phoenix in Japan, while Rory cracked the top 50 in the world with a runner-up finish at the Hong Kong Open. Keep it up gentlemen.

Gonzalez Fernandez-Castano

(AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
(AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
The first thing I thought of when I saw these photos was: "Davis Love III." It's not just the Polo logos; it's the way he's wearing the clothing. I was struck by how many similarities there were with the way Love and Fernandez-Castano carry their RL. Both make classic golf style virtually effortless.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doug Sanders eat your heart out...

(AP Photo/Katsumi Kasahara)

Love it or hate it...Who are you kidding? You have to appreciate it... A little bit too overthought for my taste, but in the end I really just find myself excited to see what he'll wear next...

Let's hear some comments. How do people feel about Ian's style?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Cardigans

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

(Photos from the

Arnie and Geoff show off how to wear cardigans with the perfect amount of room to swing, but maintaining that trim look. These looks are decades apart, but strikingly similar. Take a good look at the sleeves; both have a little extra material for comfort and performance, but without bunching. Nothing worse than a loose-fitting sleeve that gets in your way on short shots. The most apparent thing to me in these photos is both sweaters look really, really comfortable. Comfort is a huge part of the equation on the course. You look good, you feel good, you play eh... good.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Throwback: Perfect Pant Length

(Photos from the

Many of today's players could learn a thing or two about pant length from a photo like this. I see alot of bunching out there and I don't like it. Cary Middlecoff's pants, in my humble opinion, are perfect here. (They may be a little slim for some people's taste.) The point: have some pride and get those pants hemmed to the correct length. You'll be happy you did.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Retro Stripe

(AP/Isaac Brekken photo)

I like all the retro looks we are seeing from golf apparel manufacturers. Here is Stewart Cink wearing a 70's looking stripe from Nike. These are great because they're basic. We went through a period of busy-ness in the 90's on tour. (Think bad diamond shaped patterns and Tabasco shirts) If you owned or still own a Tabasco shirt though, you're probably not a regular reader of this blog. Sorry Woody.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More fall layering inspiration

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Thought this was an interesting look from Oliver Wilson. He's layered a textured cardigan over some kind of lightweight zip-neck shirt. I really like the spontaneous look of many Euros clothing on the course. I know I've spoken about this before, but they really do seem to have more of an arsenal of options and wear them all interchangeably with no noticeable effort. It's not that I think this look in general is so fantastic that I feel the need to point it out - it's just something cool to consider. Anything that makes you re-think your everyday golf wardrobe is what I'm after.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cool Jacket Geoff

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

More fun with patterns

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
Here are two great ways to incorporate argyle. Jesper in marine hues in Florida and Adam in bold blacks and reds in China. Both are appropriate but also interesting.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Prom King

(AP/ESPN photo)
(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Check out golf's take on the tuxedo shirt in the above photo. Poulter in ruffles. (You might need to click on the photo to see the detail.)
The close up shot is Poulter on Day 3. He was wearing royal blue corduroys with western (jean-style) pockets from his own line and a sweater with a solid navy front and a green plaid-patterned back. I loved it. Cords on the course is an idea I love and I'm surprised we don't see more of it - especially in Europe. This style of cords with a jean-like fit look great and are as versatile as any golf trouser out there.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pink pants and the human response...

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

I was disappointed I couldn't find any full length shots of Villegas in China wearing the pink trousers you can see the waist of in this shot...I really need to start hitting the road and taking my own photos.

The hair up there

(ESPN/AP Photo) Serg sans beard

Does anyone else think Sergio looked much cooler with an ever-present 5 o'clock shadow and shaggy hair?
I was liking the whole grunge (and I use that term lightly) thing with the younger guys on tour this year. Adam Scott, Camilo, Sergio - it was another element that made them stand out, made them youthful, fearless and edgy. When Camilo finally gives in to a pair of scissors, now that will be a story. My guess is he will just cut it all off and start over again. We'll see in Hawaii.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Golf is a game of layers

( ESPN/AP Photo) Sergio Garcia
(ESPN/AP Photo) Michael Letzig

(ESPN/AP Photo) Justin Rose
When the temps drop on tour, we tend to see this "combo" look alot. Growing up playing junior and high school golf in Maine, we used to throw a long sleeved cotton shirt under a golf shirt quite often - achieving the look that Letzig has above. Nowadays, you're seeing alot of the younger guys sporting more athletic-fitting synthetic fibered shirts that fit very close to the body and keep in warmth while wicking moisture. Sergio and Justin favor this approach.
I think both approaches can look great, however, as I preach often you need to make sure to proportion everything correctly. If you're wearing a slimmer fitting modern golf polo - you cant have a billowy LS cotton shirt underneath. It will look wrong. You can't go wrong following the examples above - if you're working with a closet full of more traditional golf shirts (Letzig) or if you've adopted a more modern sillouette (Sergio and Justin.)

Hello all...

The Khak' is back...

I've decided I'm going to give credit on the photos going forward and if anyone finds it necessary to question me, at least I'm doing nothing illegal or immoral.

So I'm making my return just as the Fall Finish will wrap up this week at Disney and it's been one heck of a year on the tour. Tiger at Torrey Pines, the US Ryder Cup victory, young stars like Camilo and Sergio making the FedEx interesting long after Vijay had shut the thing down. Can't wait for the Mercedes and a new season of style and shotmaking on the links. I'm getting amped just thinking about it.

I should do a year-end wrap up type of thing and I may, but for now I'm going to move forward like I never left and continue to bring you the very best of what I'm seeing in golf style.